KENNY WONG, Founder and Chief Wine Drinker
Kenny is the founder of Wines Online. Prior to committing to a life in wine, he was a trained auditor at PricewaterhouseCoopers and a certified CFA. But in a professional field where drinking on the job was not always welcomed proved too much to bear. In 2003, Kenny decided to pack it in and start his own wine business. Now as Wines Online’s Chief Wine Drinker, Kenny is living his dream tasting as many wines as he gets his hands on and helping to demystify this wonderful beverage for connoisseurs and novices alike.
“Wine is food. If you can enjoy food, you can enjoy wine. Nevermind what the critics say.”

NIGEL KHOO, Partner and Drinks Buddy
Nigel spent a large part of his professional life in shipbroking where he helped clients move petroleum products across the world. Now he is helping clients move liquid gold of a different kind. Nigel is a late starter in the world of wine but he has taken to it like duck to water. He is very comfortable talking about his favourite drinks, especially wine and beer. With his affable nature and a keeness to do things right by his clients, Nigel is the guy to go to for your drinking needs, or someone you want to share a bottle with.